With the innovative SOMA flexAssistant and Pick by Light system, assembly processes can be made more efficient and errors in production minimised.
Pick by Light system in manufacturing

With the innovative SOMA flexAssistant and Pick by Light system, assembly processes can be made more efficient and errors in production minimised.

Pick by Light system for efficient assembly and production

Pick by Light systems increase assembly speed through visual feedback and minimise production errors. An assembly line with Pick by Light worker assistance reduces costs and increases efficiency in production and assembly.

Assembling is an important step in manufacturing goods and producing industrial products that consist of several components. Precision, speed and quality are essential to ensure customer satisfaction and competitiveness. Pick by systems allow you to ensure that your workers assemble the right parts in the right order without making mistakes or wasting time.

The pick-by-light production method and the pick-by-light process can sustainably reduce costs with a worker assistance-supported assembly workstation with integrated pick-by-light system. With the SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance, you enable an assembly line with Pick by Light system, which optimises the assembly and production process and reduces errors in production.

Pick-to-Light, Pickbylight, P2L – Pick by Light production has many names, but in assembly and manual manufacturing Pick-by-Systems offer a significant advantage, increasing efficiency and employee satisfaction, but also reducing error rates and costs for employee training or waste.
Pick-to-Light, Pickbylight, P2L – Pick by Light production has many names, but in assembly and manual manufacturing Pick-by-Systems offer a significant advantage, increasing efficiency and employee satisfaction, but also reducing error rates and costs for employee training or waste.

What are Pick by Light systems?

A Pick-by-Light system (or Pick-by-Systems in general) is a form of digital worker assistance that supports the assembly process with visual signals. Lights are installed at the storage or assembly locations of individual components to indicate to the worker which part to pick up and assemble next.

The Pick 2 Light luminaires are controlled by a central control system that contains the assembly instructions for each product. As soon as the worker has picked up the correct part as instructed, the next step in the process is started automatically by the Worker Assistance System via a sensor, and the light is switched off.

The next light is then switched on until the product has been completely assembled. In this way, Pick by Light assembly ensures a consistent manufacturing process throughout.

Pick-by-light system provides competitive advantage and cost savings

Pick by Light systems are not only leading the way in warehouse automation, and in conjunction with Pick to Light order picking, the Pick by Light process also provides a competitive advantage in semi-automated and manual production by optimising order processing and manufacturing processes in Pick by Light assembly.

Unlike traditional voice or paper-based systems, Pick by Light systems use light signals attached to the assembly workstation that indicate which component a worker needs to pick. By providing visual cues, the Pick by Light system reduces the costs that would otherwise be spent on training and error rates.

Pick by systems enable employees to work faster and more efficiently. The initial cost of implementing pick by light or pick to light can be higher than voice or paper picking, but the long-term productivity and accuracy gains provide a high return on investment (ROI) that creates a competitive advantage through advanced automation.

The worker assistance software is based on the National Instruments industry standard and replaces paper-based instructions and documentation with digital assembly guidance. The worker receives all relevant information about the current component as well as necessary work steps to be carried out at the assembly station from the assembly assistant via a monitor.
The worker assistance software is based on the National Instruments industry standard and replaces paper-based instructions and documentation with digital assembly guidance. The worker receives all relevant information about the current component as well as necessary work steps to be carried out at the assembly station from the assembly assistant via a monitor.

Discover the SOMA Pick by Light System

An efficient pick-by-light assembly workstation – the flexAssistant worker assistance system from SOMA is not just the pick-by-light hardware, but a complete software suite for digital worker assistance. Discover an example of a pick-by-light application in the WILO case study or our complete system in the product catalogue.

flexAssistant product catalogue

Product Catalog

Browse through our product catalogue online and learn more about the SOMA flexAssistant Software Suite, the digital worker assistance.

WILO Case Study

WILO Case Study

Learn in our digital case study how the renowned pump manufacturer WILO optimises its production with the SOMA flexAssistant.

Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Contact me

Get non-binding pick-by-light advice

Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Please contact me.

Your personal contact partner

Michael Penzel
Phone: +49 2355 50828-973
Email: m.penzel@soma.de

What are the advantages of a pick-by-light system?

The Pick by Light System assembly workstation offers many advantages for manual or semi-automated manufacturing, production and assembly processes.

Increase productivity

Optical guidance in pick-to-light and/or pick-by-light assembly allows employees to work faster and more efficiently without having to spend a long time looking for the right parts. In addition, paperless manufacturing allows them to concentrate better on their actual task without being distracted.

Simplified onboarding

Thanks to the intuitive operation of the Pick to Light systems, new employees can be trained more quickly and easily in the task of the assembly line without having to manage long training sessions or instructions. This saves time and costs and increases the flexibility of staff deployment.

Improving ergonomics

By adapting the lights to the ergonomic needs of the workers, physical strain is reduced at the Pick by Light assembly workplace. The lights can be designed in different colours and intensities to improve visibility and comprehension. They can also be positioned to avoid unnecessary handling movements.

Error reduction

By clearly identifying the required parts, mistakes and incorrect assemblies are avoided. If the employee does reach into the wrong compartment, he is warned by an acoustic or visual signal from the Pick by Light system and can correct his mistake. This reduces waste and rework and increases quality.

Most important advantages of pick-by-light and pick-to-light assembly

  • Visual assistance and digital work instructions of assembly tasks as worker assistance for manual assembly

  • Avoid production errors: Errors during assembly are recognised and made visible until they are corrected

  • Runs with almost any hardware, as an industry-independent solution for worker assistance
  • Intuitive worker assistance helps you be productive faster

  • Complete process traceability of all work steps

  • Information retrieval for optimisation of tools, materials or sequences even in complex processes

  • SOMA at your side as an experienced partner in industrial production

Integrate Pick by Light systems and digital worker assistance into your assembly and production

In order to integrate a Pick by or Pick to Light system into your assembly, you must first create a few prerequisites, which we, as a solution provider and established system supplier with over 50 years of experience, implement together with you.

In order to integrate a Pick by or Pick to Light system into your assembly, you must first create a few prerequisites, which we, as a solution provider and established system supplier with over 50 years of experience, implement together with you.

Analysis of your assembly processes and production requirements

To find the optimal solution for your requirements of a Pick to Light system, we first need to analyse and document your assembly processes. Together with our solution experts, we will answer the following questions: Which products are assembled? How many components are needed? What is the assembly sequence? How high is the number of variants? How often do the products or processes change?

From these results, we will jointly create a concept that meets your requirements for a Pick to Light system. Our team will then develop a cost-effective solution that supports and optimises your assembly processes. We will guide you through the entire process to ensure that the solution meets your requirements.

Installation and commissioning of the assembly line and pick by systems

In order to integrate the assembly workstation or assembly line with Pick by Light System into your existing production, you need to carry out technical and organisational steps, which we develop together with you and our team of experts in a structured manner. Starting with the right software solution (with the flexAssistant software suite) that fits your production process and which meets the requirements of your assembly line.

The SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance system is an industry-independent digital worker assistance system that either adds the software component to your assembly line or maps a complete assembly workstation. We support you throughout the entire process in selecting and implementing the required components.

Optimise your manual production with a digital worker assistance system and pick-to-light assembly to reduce costs and errors and increase satisfaction and quality.
Optimise your manual production with a digital worker assistance system and pick-to-light assembly to reduce costs and errors and increase satisfaction and quality.

Optimise production and assembly with digital worker assistance and Pick by Light

Digital worker assistance and Pick by Light systems are a modern and effective way to optimise assembly processes. Optical guidance allows you to improve the productivity, quality and ergonomics of your assembly while reducing errors, waste and rework. In order to successfully integrate pick-to-light systems into your production, we and our experts will work together to analyse the assembly processes according to your requirements and find a suitable and optimal assembly solution. With the flexAssistant assistance system with Pick by Light support, you can gain a competitive advantage and satisfy your customers.

See the assembly workstation with Pick by Light in action

Discover all the advantages of the SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance system in a short video. Our team offers you comprehensive advice and support in the implementation of your Pick by Light system. Our experts accompany you during the planning and implementation of the system and help you to optimise your assembly processes. The SOMA flexAssistant system is modular and can be expanded with various components. This allows you to adapt your system to your specific requirements.

Digital worker guidance and manual production rethought. Experience the SOMA flexAssistant worker assistance system with Pick by Light module.

What is the difference between "Pick by Light" and "Pick to Light" systems?

"Pick by Light Systems" and "Pick to Light Systems" are two similar methods based on the use of light signals. The main difference is that in the pick-by-light method, the employee collects the assembly parts from the compartments, whereas in the "pick-to-light" method, the order picker places the items in the compartments.

Pick-by-Light and Pick-to-Light are similar picking methods that use light signals and are integrated into the warehouse management software or digital worker assistance system for assembly, manufacturing and production.
"Pick-by-Light" and "Pick-to-Light" are similar picking methods that use light signals and are integrated into the warehouse management software or digital worker assistance system for assembly, manufacturing and production.

What is a pick-by-light system?

Pick by Light is a paperless assembly process (also known from paperless picking) in which the production worker is informed of the items to be picked via a display directly on the pick compartment.

The display consists of a clear light signal and a confirmation button or sensor via which the picker confirms the pick and transmits the stock change in real time to the warehouse management system or to the assembly assistance software (such as the SOMA flexAssistant Software Suite).

What is a pick-to-light system?

Pick-to-Light is the reverse procedure of Pick-by-Light. In this case, the worker does not pick the item to be picked, but puts it into storage. Pick-to-light systems are usually used in two-step order picking.

In a first step, the goods are brought to the appropriate position individually by the picker. Subsequently, the storage is confirmed via the pick-to-light system. This enables a fast and efficient recording of the storage.

Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Contact me

Get non-binding pick-by-light advice

Do you have questions about our worker assistance and pick-by-light system as individual solutions for your production? We are happy to help. Please contact me.

Your personal contact partner

Michael Penzel
Phone: +49 2355 50828-973
Email: m.penzel@soma.de

Exhibition calendar

Date Exhibition / Topics Location Information
25. – 26. February 2025 all about automation
Testing Technology
Friedrichshafen, Germany Learn more
24. – 27. June 2025 automatica
Dosing Technology, Worker Assistance
Munich, Germany Learn more
17. – 18. September 2025 all about automation
Testing Technology
Duesseldorf, Germany Learn more
07. – 09. October 2025 Motek
Dosing Technology, Worker Assistance
Stuttgart, Germany Learn more
18. – 21. November 2025 productronica
Testing Technology, Automation, Worker Assistance
Munich, Germany Learn more

Discover all SOMA business units and solutions

Company website of SOMA GmbH

SOMA is an independent company under the umbrella of the KOSTAL Group and has been a system supplier of test and automation systems and manufacturer of innovative and patented dosing technology since 50 years.

Test systems and Automation

Margin pressure and ever stricter specifications are forcing companies to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. The "zero defect" requirement is the starting point of targeted test methods for fault detection.

Process reliable dosing systems

Lubricants are used in all situations where friction forces are created as a result of movements and actuations in mechanical or mechatronic products. We have suitable dosing products to ensure process reliability.